My daughters hands started peeling (randomly) on Saturday, but complained of zero pain. Monday I took my kids to the pool for an hour. Tuesday morning my daughter woke up with a pins and needles sensation on her hands and feet - she said they burned, they felt like they were on fire, she felt like 100 bees were stinging her, and they were hot. I dismissed her crazy claim and sent her off to school. I was called in to pick her up from school because her hands looked "lacey", were hot to touch, and she was in pain. She was unable to hold the pencil.
I took her to the doctor and her doc thinks the chlorine from the pool may have irritated her skin and she sent us on our Mary little way. Well, I received another call this morning that my kid was in the office again with hand pain, but they sent her back to class.
My concern now is that as she came to sit next to me on the couch and she starts panicking because she feels pins and needles all over her back. I can clearly see the fear in her eyes. What is causing this? And is there any additional test I should be demanding from my kids pediatrician?