My dentist thought I needed a root canal due to pain in jaw. Endodontics doctor determined it is Trigeminal Neuralgia due to pain. Consulted oral doctor and agreed needed to see neurologist. Still trying to get appt. Went to ER yesterday. Wrote down all symptoms. They couldn't do anything. Discharge papers stated TMJ. I can promise you, it is NOT TMJ. Told me to go to dentist and get nerve block until I get appt. Gave me percocet (5-325). 1 pill didn't work yesterday so took 2 this morning. Still did not relieve pain. My question is: I have gabapentin 300mg for back disc that is hitting nerve. Can I take a higher dose of gabapentin to try to get some relief. Have been able to drink protein shake and drink applesauce out of cup. This is the 4th day. Brushing teeth sends bolts of lightening thru mouth. I am 62 years old, weight 235 lbs. , take plavix, crestor, metoprolol.....quad bypass in 2006 Thank you!