My father is 55 healthy weight etc. . He recently had a large AVM rupture, he was flown to the nearest hospital that can handle that where he had a craniotomy where the AVM was removed, the ICH caused a large stroke. He is left paralyzed on his right side and with the capability to speak but limited, he says a few words here and there but mostly mumbles or says things that don't fit the context of the present. He is in a rehab where they are supposed to be helping him with this now. My concern is that recently he keep having these episodes of losing consciousness, the first few times for about ten minutes and today for over an hour. He was calm and sitting up he laid back down slowly (with my help of course) and all of the sudden wouldn't wake back up. His vitals were okay though they had put him on oxygen this afternoon because it was a little low (high 70's low 80's) he was on it when this occurred. Is there any indication as to why this is happening? He's been sent to the ER for it a bunch of times but each time they send him back after doing a CAT scan because by the time he would see the dr. he would be awake. Recently his medication was changed from Keppra to Lamictal he's been experiencing a bit of tremors as well, Not sure if it's the new medicine. They will be scheduling him for a neurologist appt and an MRI in the upcoming week but everything is so slow here. Do you have an idea as to why these times of unconsciousness occur? He communicates sometimes by saying "yes ' or "no" but it's inconsistent. He goes in little stages of being combative, calm, sleeping, aggressive, and then basically aware. Could this unconsciousness be one of these? I seem to be the only one extremely concerned about them but he hasn't seen a neurologist about it! Please help I'm so worried I can't take it.