My girlfriend and I had unprotected sex but I didn't cum in her or anything. What has me worried is that the day before that, I had masturbated, and when I took a shower, I'm not sure if I cleaned my penis right. Could she get pregnant? By the way, I'm not circumcised, and I have a tight foreskin(which doesn't let me cleanit from inside), We didn't really have sex because it was hard like this to put it in so we only rubbed, but I'm scared if I didn't clean it right she might be pregnant maybe? And today(the day after sex) she told me that something clear came out of her vagina, I looked it up and we're both thinking it's a watery discharge because of the normal stuff of having sex or her menstrual period like we saw in some articles online, but I saw that in one article it said that it can be an early pregnancy symptom. I don't know what to do, I need help real quick