My granddaughter, who is about to be 16 months old in January, has regular bowel movements, approximately 3-5 a day, but small usually hard, rabbit-like stools, that NEVER fill a diaper. And since she has been off of formula at the age of 1, her stools have always smelled, in MY opinion, of very strong ammonia. My daughter is VERY ADAMENT about her daughter's diet, not allowing very much milk (one sippee cup of whole milk for a nap and one for bedtime. Approx 10-15oz/day, depending on, of course, the day.) And during a normal day she will drink mostly water worth splashes of juice in it. So I'm at a loss. And I have yet to bring up this "concern" to my daughter, as she is already quite overwhelmed by her position as Single Mom working full-time taking care of ADULTS overnight... Anything I can do to help? As I help take care of my granddaughter during the day. . . I'm at a loss