My husband 22 6 foot 3 285 lbs has moles all over his head there is one in particular that is bigger than a quarter. He has had them since birth, and his mother says he has gone to a ears nose throat specialis,as we'll as all kinds of other doctors and no one will remove them. He complains about pain every now and thwn, but mostly if someone touches it, or it gets pulled by wearing a hat, getting a hair cut scratching it on accident etc. Tonight before going to work he complained of having a bad headache that started in the front of his head and is all the way down the middle of his head. He said it feels like someone is splitting his skull. He said he doesn't have any other symptoms besides the headache. He took some ibprofin hoping that would help with the pain. He has always had some sort of headaches off and on never to long though. Never had a history of migraines either.. but he never has said anything about this kind of headache before . I'm worried, is this something I should be concerned about or not ? Please help