My husband and I have 2 boys, 10 and 8. About 4 years ago he started Citalopram. Since then I have had a chemical pregnancy followed by a pregnancy loss at 13 weeks. I then had another chemical pregnancy and another 2nd trimester pregnancy loss at about 14 weeks. I have had blood tests, an HCG, a Hystereoscopy, more genetic testing, a family prep screen, etc... Everything came back great and my uterus was said to be in beautiful condition :) My husband just got his semen analysis back and it said his Kruger strict analysis (morphology) is 3". They want him to start a vitamin to help (which he will) but I can't help but to wonder if the medication he started after 2 successful full term pregnancies has made him have fertility problems. We are treating it as, get both of us in "prime" condition before trying again, just so we know we looked into everything. Could this medication cause that kind of problems? Thanks!