My husband experienced 2 seizures Thursday morning. He had never had seizures before. We went to the hospital and he was admitted for tests and observations. Tests included MRI, CT scan, EEG, EKG, blood work, etc. All were normal except for a slightly elevated white blood cell count. We believe the seizures could have been brought on by the 5-day bout of an intestinal virus he had, possible lowering his electrolyte level, combined with some sleepless nights, and his New Year's resolution to stop drinking during the week (even though he only had a few beers each night). The doctor started him on Keppra in the ER and gave him a pretty sizable dose due to his size (290 lbs.) and sent him home with a prescription. After reading the possible side effects, this is a drug he does not want to take. My question is, can he stop taking the drug now since he's only been on it since Thursday? Can he wean himself off by only taking one a day instead of the 2/day that's prescribed? They are 500 mg tablets of the generic Levetiracetam.