My husband had been ill with flu like symptoms for approximately 14 days. He had been unable/unwilling to get up and move very much. He had 2+ to 3+ edema begin overnight literally. We went to ER but after blood tests, EKG, UA they told us they don't know why he had overnight edema. They gave him Lasix (IV push) and sent him home with 1 (one) 20mg Lasix. He is going to drive approximately 12 hours to see his primary physician on Monday. He had an abnormal CBC with RBC (3.26), Hemoglobin (10.3), Hematocrit (30.5), RDW (14.7), Lymphs (17.4), Monos (10.7), Retic (2.1). No history of Congestive Heart Failure, does have Hx of renal failure but was or at least his Dr. is not adjusting any meds.