My husband is 77 years old. He was diagnosed with a gliomas brain tumor about a year ago while being treated for an ATV accident. Previously he had no indications of this. He sees a neurosurgeon every 6 months and has an MRI. The tumor has not changed at all. Four months ago, he had a seizure and was prescribed 500 mil of LeveETIRAcetam twice a day. This medication has caused him to be extremely tired, weak, unsteady, foggy. The doctor said these side effects would decrease or go away in a new weeks, but they are getting worse. He has always been very active and energetic. We call him "the energizer bunny". The doctor also said this was the best medicine for controlling seizures.
Will these side effects get less frequent and debilitating eventually?
Is there a prescription that would have fewer side affects? And be as effective?