My husband is in the final stages of COPD; Hospice has been with us for 3 months now. Last week, his brilliant, intelligent, quick witted mind started fading. He is now hallucinating, asking questions like:
l. Why did we buy this house. Crazy things are going on here.
2. We have to get out of here.
3. Asked me just now when I am going to stop playing games and messing up our sleeping schedule because he woke up in the nite and saw 3 women at end of bed.
Can't dial a phone number any more; doesn't know how to use phone and other things.
Hospice thought he had Urinary infection and this is 5th day of antibiotics, but I'm beginning to think this is COPD /end of life? He had no urinary problems and they said the test only showed 3 bars as positive for Urinary infection, BUT THEY SAID HE HAD ALL THE SYMPTOMS.
Thank you.