My legs began to feel weak and ached upon standing, after spending extended time at my desk at work. Had an emotional breakdown that led to, or rather included depression and two years curled up on a couch at home. Saw a psychiatrist and psychologist, which did not help. 8 years later - the last year I have developed extreme dryness on my feet, a repetitious cycle of severe dry, cracking feet. Went to a foot doctor, rec'd no answers. Constant upkeep, with filing and lotions are needed to enable standing and walking - every day. Now, small dry dots are appearing on my legs and moving upwards to my knees. I feel it's all related to circulation and obesity. Diet and exercise, which is difficult due to the lack of interest in life, difficulty walking due to pain and the difficulty in breathing issues (I smoked for 38 years/stopped almost 7 years ago). My insurance has a $5200 deductible, which has stopped all needed testing. Are there any good doctors that can give me an educated guess as to what may be causing all of this? I'm going to try and get better insurance this coming year, but until then? Please can you help me begin to heal? I am 62 years old and was post menopausal when this all started, along with the behavioral issues - family genetics.