My mom is 88 years old. She has asthma, (on and off), and has had pneumonia several times over the past 10 years. She has Essential Tremors, (not Parkinson's). She has borderline pneumonia diagnosed this afternoon, and the doctor prescribed prednisone, (sp?), and an antibiotic. She took an antibiotic, and was instructed to start taking the steroids with breakfast tomorrow morning. She is worse tonight. I am 1600 miles from her, or I would be at her apartment. She was given the "choice" to be admitted to the hospital this afternoon, but she preferred to go home. She lives in a facility in Bloomington, MN. My question is would it hurt her to start the steroids tonight? She would take with food. I don't know why she was told to wait until tomorrow morning. If there are any fees to answer this - then please do not answer. Thank you very kindly if you can give me some advice. Since this is for my mother and not for me, I understand if you cannot.