My mother has vascular dementia. She is on 2.5 mg Zyprexa, Kephra, Heperin, Lactobacillic Acid, a high blood pressure medicine, anti-biotics (She was on Vacomycin. was given Zosyn in emergency room and Rocephin after being admitted to the hospital). She slipped out of bed and fractured her tibia just under the knee. She also had just been diagnosed with a UTI. Upon addmission to emergency they noted that she appeared to have pneumonia also. In the emrgency room they gave her Morphine. Once she was admitted to the hospital that same night they gave her another low dose of Morphine. Although slightly confused, she was alert and aware of her surroundings and the staff and her family. At our request they stopped giving her morphine and gave her 600 mg of motrin instead (we asked that they stop giving the motrin as well unless needed). Now mom is sleeping constantly and barely able to speak or move. She tries but with great difficulty and sometimes she is just completely out and unable to be roused. This has been going on for 3 days. We are told that her surroundings are new, that the Morphine is wearing off slowly. She has been hospitalized with UTI and various other issues in the past and (except for once when she was given Oxycotin, she slept and would not wake up at all) has never reacted this way. This is my question could the morphine either have interacted with other drugs she is on or affected her vascular dementia negatively. Although Mom has dementia she can play piano, play scrabble, engages in great conversation, enjoys watching TV and listening to music. The night she was admitted she ate a full dinner, watched a disney movie and laughed and talked with us about it. After going to sleep that night she has never been the same. Two of us slept in the room with her that night and did not note anything unusual until she wouldn't eat or stay awake the next day.