My name is John and I am 35 and have a question regarding debating dating someone with prior HVP positive. I believe the cancerous strains. she got it at at 21 years old and she is 28 years old now. In 2015 it progressed to where she needed to have a few abnormal cells removed. They ended up doing a leep CIN2 and removed a few abnormal cells in 2015 and she tested negative in strains 16 and 18 but positive in one or more of the following (31,33,35,39,45,51,52,56,58,59,66,68) cancerous non wart causing strains. She was scheduled for follow up testing yearly and in 2016, she was hvp negative. In May of 2017 she was also negative and they said she could return to regular screening every three years however I believe she is having another test done this year. We just met, I have not had any physical intimacy whatsoever with her. I also have not been vaccinated with gardisil 9 and have had two long term sexual partners in my lifetime, one of which was her first time with me as teenagers. I am wondering if it’s a good idea to continue with this girl and get vaccinated? Or if this is something I should stay away from and cut my losses. I’m greatly appreciative of her telling me and I just want to know if there is a safe way to see this girl? As long as she wasn’t hvp positive in the other strains that are less risky causing warts, doesn’t that mean I would be in the clear regarding those strains? I appreciate any info you can give me in a course of action I should take. Thank you so much.