My name is Nicholas and I am not sure whats going on with me. I have times where I feel has if someone is in my head or as if someone wants to kill me. I have urges to tell people (my sister, friends...) "they want to kill me" or "they are after me" but I don't know who they are and can't explain myself, thats when I just want to hide in my closest and curl up in a ball facing the wall. I feel like maybe they won't find me if they can't see me from the windows. Sometimes I can hear everything way to loudly and it drives me nuts. Sometimes I can have the feelings and emotions as if someone is yelling at me but I don't hear them, I just block my ears and rock my body back and forth. I can hear the electrical static in lights, computers, televisions and more. There are times I don't feel human and other times I feel like aliens are watching me from a space ship. I frequently have violent dreams and I wake up in a panic but most of the time don't remember what I dreamt. When I watch television everything feels real as if I was living it. At times I imagine myself has the victims of what I'm watching or has the suspects (shows like Law & Order and Arrow) and the same for real life situations I hear about on the news or internet. The tricky part is that I can go a week or two being okay and than all of a sudden it all comes back.