My name is Sally, I was in the hospital a year and a half ago and was put in a room with a woman with an infection and pneumonia. I have Crohn's disease and my immune system is horribly compromised. I have an ileostomy and an opening in my rectum that never healed when they removed my sphincter muscle. I was given an IV in my hand which swelled to the size of a golf ball. After I left the hospital the pain in my hand was unbearable and spread to my upper arm. I had a ultrasound done and the radiologist said that I had a massive squishy tissue in my hand and tendinitis in my arm. I then got two bacterial infections in seven of my fingernails, one was surgically removed one fell off and I still have one that's infected. I also got strep between my toes, an infection on my labia and around my stoma is still horribly infected. I started having seizures soon after the infections appeared. I have broken my shoulder and right wrist during some of my seizures. I suffer incredible headaches, I'm dizzy, confused and forget words and even what I was saying. Are the seizures caused by these infections that I still suffer from caused by an infection in my brain?