My oncologist had me on Arimidex for 1 1/2 yrs before switching me to Tamoxifen because of the severe joint pain. Then she wanted me on an antidepressant for my increasing anxiety. I am currently taking Zoloft but I don't feel it's very effective, plus I've now got this annoying ringing in my ears. My GP suggested switching from Zoloft to Cymbalta in hopes that would also take care of my chronic pain. However, we've just learned that there is a drug interaction with Tamoxifen and Cymbalta that would make the Tamoxifen less effective. So, my oncologist suggested trying Celexa, but that's just another SSRI. Would Celexa have any interaction with Tamoxifen? And, if I went back on the Arimidex instead of the Tamoxifen, would the Cymbalta help with the joint pain? Thank you for your kind assistance.
janet Lundquist