My question is about how long does it take for a cervix to heal after rough fingering, two weeks ago my boyfriend fingered me and I didn't start spotting until the day after but it's only lessened not gone away. I did have some urgency to urinate and thought I might be had a small amount of blood in the urine so I started taking an OTC medication to treat uti's and flushed my system and so far no more blood there but I'm still spotting a light brown nearly pinkish discharge that doesn't even come out its only if I stick a bit of toilet paper do I even see it but it makes me worry. I have been under stress so I don't count out hormones, I've tested for pregnancy even though I'm not due for my period for another 9 days or so. I'm in a healthy committed relationship, so I really don't suspect an std as I've only had the one partner for two years. I have no itching, no burning, no fever or really any other symptoms. Any help or advice is so greatly appreciated.