My son died at 3am Monday morning in his sleep. His partner said he'd come home from working, showered, ate, played with her grandkids and they laid down in bed to watch tv. She fell asleep. She awoke and heard his take a deep breath, then couldn't get him to wake up.
He was not sick to anyone's knowledge, although his co-worker said he did complain about a pain under his right rib cage.
About 1-2 yrs ago he did have ALOT of fluid drained from sac around his heart.
Then it was a matter of building up, to the point his brother noticed that his color was off and he couldn't take a deep breath. The doctor said it would be very unusual for that fluid buildup to return after having it drained. That it was rare for that to happen.
This time was different in that he felt well enough to work Sunday, then although uncomfortable wouldn't go to a doctor and seemed okay. He was 41 yrs old. There was no autopsy.