My son is 14 years old and has been healthy his entire life until about 10 weeks ago when he began experiencing stomach pain. On Nov. 11 we ended up in the ER where they first thought it might be appendicitis. After a CT scan, they ended up diagnosing him with mesenteric adenitis and some constipation. He has felt sick ever since with constant pain, dizziness, headaches, paleness, occassional vomiting (not for two weeks now), lack of energy. Pain is in the middle and right to lower right abdomen. The gastroenterologist has ordered tests and had him "flush" his sytem this weekend which made him feel worse. During this over 2 month stretch of time he had not had a fever, however, last night he had a temp of 102. Fever is gone this morning, but he felt sweaty. As a mom, I'm increasingly concerned and I feel helpless as to how to make him feel better. He is missing out on his normal activities and has missed a significant amount of school. Lab results won't be in for a few days. Any suggestions to possible issuesm and how to get him relief in the meantime? Thank you.