My son is suffering from severe allergic problem, resulting in cold, sneezing, itching in eyes, ears & throat, nasal blockage by creation of excessive mucus etc. This is a very frequent problem which subsides temporarily when he takes a Cetricine Tablet. Recently, a Child specialist has prescribed Levo Cetricine & Foracort 200 and advised to take Foracort two dose both in the morning and night for a period of two weeks, then tapering it to two at morning and one at night and then one each at morning and night to suppress the allergic inflamation. Now two weeks over and he is taking two dose in the morning and one at night. When the dose is reduced, allergic symptoms are mildly surfacing and he has to take Levo Cetricine also to get rid of allergic symptoms. Please let me know whether long term use of these medicines will have any adverse effect on his health. Also is there any other safe medication to get cured of this allergic problem.