My symptoms: When I try to sleep, usually at the threshold between waking and sleeping I get what I call sleep seizures in which my fingers will involuntarily move very quickly, plus I get violent jerking of various body parts, sometimes my arms, my legs, my torso, my neck and head. Also these random jerks (which I refer to as seizures), are accompanied by a sensation of activity in my brain. Often I will be in a mild dream state and see something such as me falling or hitting my head against the ceiling, or being in a wreck just before the jerking occurs. Also I get a sound in my head along with the "seizure" that sounds like a gun shot or a firecracker. Of course, when this occurs I am unable to go back to sleep for a long time once this occurs. It has been occuring since December 2012 and just gets progressively worse. I saw a nuerologist a few years ago who ran an MRI and SSG and said my tests came back normal, so he could not give me a diagnosis. He prescribed Klonopin, which used to work but lately I am getting these "seizures" even after having taken the klonopin. What is wrong with me?