My vagina is wetter then usual, and ive noticed my pussy is starting to get fatter and bigger then it was, I dont have No Symptoms that make me feel as if I need to see a Doctor theres no Foul smell, itching, soreness, discharge, or bumps. So I know im okay ive only had one sexual Partner, & Lately I started my period last month but it was very odd it lasted 2 days and the blood was a light pink and very light I normally have a full period but last month I didn't and a few days ago I was experiencing some light very light pink blood I could only see it when I whipped myself I didn't panic cause it wasn't alot and I didn't have a full period last month I thought it was okay for a little spotting but I think im pregnant im unsure I dont wanna know just yet if I am but do it sound like I am I've been really sleepy, eating alot, My stomach even hurts sometimes like very light cramps, bad headaches/ Migranes, urinating alot, & Throwing up or feeling like I have to vomit. WHAT DO YOU THINK? I'M A YOUNG ADULT AND IVE NEVER THOUGHT I COULD BECOME PREGNANT FROM MY CYST IN MY OVARIES AND My past medical health