My wife has had a chronic cough for about 4 months. It sounds really deep and is onset by either cold or heated food and/ or drink. She has tried all the treatments the doctors have had her try to no avail, i.e. breathing exhaler, breathing inhaler, mucinex, claritin, robitussin, cepacol and the list keeps getting longer. She has had xrays several times and they don't show anything abnormal, i.e no fluids on the lungs or obstructions. She does not have GERD. She takes a rather large amount of medications. Lortab, Furosemide, Norvasc, Lomotil, Gabapentin. She has type 2 diabetes for about 10 years and has had High Blood Pressure for about 20 years. She takes some supplements as well, Fish Oil, Multivitamins, Probiotics, Vitamin B-12, Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin D-3, Vitamin B-1 and a Super B Complex. I was wondering if perhaps the combination of all her meds ans supplements combined could be causing the problem with the Chronic Coughing.