My wife recently had her baclofen pump and catheter replaced. She went through two instances of baclofen withdrawal and on of baclofen over dose, then had to have a blood patch on where the catheter enters the spine, to stop any leakage (she was having positional headaches that suggested low spinal fluid).
She is now experiencing heightened senses and is in a constant state of agitation. A fan is too much on her skin and she shirks from most touches. The back of her neck is extremely sensitive and causes pain if pressure is applied. She smells thinks more heavily and it can cause nausea.
The doctors said it might be that some of the blood from the patch got into her spinal fluid and is causing irritation, but they said that was an iffy diagnosis, at best.
What does this sound like and what would be a way to treat her agitation and/or speed along her recovery? She is desperate to be comfortable in her own skin again and it doesn't seem to be getting any better, so far.
She had a similar experience with Cipro a while back, where it made her arms useless and tingly for a long while, but she says this is much worse and more wide spread throughout her body.