Noticed since age 2..and progressively getting worse, now it is too frequent and I am looking for further advice to help my sons all day discomfort and it is starting to effect his normal daily life. My son now age 7 has been doing this clearing throat thing and also he will stretch and strain his throat/neck. He claims he is itching it, and or feels like gunk is in it. A couple months ago I had to bring him to the ER not knowing why he couldn't swallow due to pain and swelling. The ER doctors ultra sounded his throat because his left side of throat and face appeared swollen. The ultra sound showed swollen lymph nodes on his left side of throat. They gave him something to gargle along the lines of something to do with allergies I believe. The swelling went down. He continued to do the throat clearing and neck straining/stretching still very frequently.
I brought him to an ENT and their recommendation was to try Zyrtek. It slightly helps, but definitely not enough. He still continues the throat clearing and neck stretching and straining frequently.
He went on a cruise last month with his dad to the Bahamas and when the boat landed back in FL he had another episode where his throat was in so much pain he couldn't swallow and his father brought him to a walk in clinic and they gave him an antibiotic which got rid of the pain but he still continues to clear his throat and stretch and strain it and is now popping his ears.
A few medically related family members suggested that maybe he needs his tonsils out? Both immediate family members on both mine and his fathers side had to have them removed due to throat problems, mostly strep, and have been fine since. Although in both ER/doctor visits, they never cultured him for it, not sure why.
I am planning on bringing him to a pediatric specialist here at my job at Yale New Haven Hospital, but would like as much medical advice as possible. Also he was born with one kidney, and he is healthy otherwise. No known allergies, and he is on no medications.
Thank you for your time-