OK, I have multiple reasons to believe I am being exposed to certain medications: Intermittent leg pain following hair-raising chills following ingestion of specific foods or drinks, especially like at church dinners; intermittent androgen-symptoms, ditto, with sudden & extreme shortness of breath and nausea (probably beta-blockers) and lowered blood pressure; incredibly awful nightmares, sometimes mitigated by yet another substance that causes sore throats and snoring. My doc refuses to test for what I suspect these to be. When I finally got a doc in Springfield to test, the lab told him the specimen was "spilled." Fiannly my local doc agreed, and that lab said they "lost' the results. Police say it's a medical issue, and medical people say it's a police issue. I've even saved samples of the tainted foods and can't get anybody, including the local Health Department to run tests.... So, WH WILL????