OK so here is my question...? I received try had ended things with my ex. I started dating a guy age 54 . We had sex once...actually he never became erect enough to actually call it sex. Not sure if he got excited and ejaculated before even getting cloths off or what. Sorry so detailed but it is all part of the ?. Anyway Me and my ex got back together. We have been together 13 years broke up one other time 3 months. So here's the time line... When I went and had a trans vaginal to confirm pregnancy they said that i was 11 weeks 6 days on august 5, 2015. I thought I was less because I had a short period on june 6, 2015. They said it was implantation bleeding and estimate my due date to be Feb 18, 2015. My ex and I were broke up from June 5 , 2015 to June 16, 2015 during which I only had sex with the one guy (re: above) on june 11, 2015. Is it possible the trans vaginal is off on the dating? And could the baby be the guy I was with when we were split up? Please any info?