Okay so i had sex for the first time yesterday and we were protected but while doing sex the condom slipped off a bit, to the part where it was almost on the tip of the penis. But it wasnt fully off. I did feel some pain but we took it slow after saying that and everything was fine and dandy, switching to another condom. And then we finished talked watched a movie. I went to pee and i was feeling a bit nauseous , maybe thats because i was barely catching my breath during the intercourse but still.and mind you i havent ate either when we did it. So that could also be it. Thankfully it passed. But i started bleeding and i figured its my hymen because it was small spottings than my period. But the following day today im still slightly spotting, but i realized a little discharge came out. Like a tad bit, it was clear and it came with the spotting mixed. I figured its just vaginal discharge but from this descprition what can you tell me? And we both dont have any std's we just wanted to protect ourselves from unwanted pregancies .