Okay so im an 18 year old female whose been trying to get pregnant for 6 months now and I've been having this pain on the right side of my stomach and my stomach has been tender to touch also my whole body like the muscles they have been feeling weak and painful a lot lately, like when I walk up the stairs, thats when it hurts the most and my veins they just been popping out everywhere. they are very noticeable now they show in my hands, my inner arms , and in my breats more than anything. Ive also been getting nauseous and having diarrhea for more than a month lately. Now what's wrong ? I don't know at all but I do know that something is wrong and I need help from someone if anyone know why I've been having all these symptoms please let me know , could it be something serious? I'm also not eating like I'm suppose to anymore , I would probably eat like one whole meal a day and maybe a couple snacks , because when I feel like I need to eat and decide to make something , I start to feel sick in the stomach and decide not to eat it .