Olanzapine+fluoxetine is now being prescribed for Morregellons Disease, which as 2016, AMA & CFID world not declare as real & Drs. Although ample physical signs were visible, said these patients were delusional. Now that 1,000,000,000s worldwide are infected, & awareness of this horrific has been questioned since 2002, Mayo Clinic, etc.etc. Research now declares that is a real disease & is treating it with success with olanzapine + fluoxetine. How does an anti-psychotic med. treat a disease that is made up of environmental pollution, bacteria. Viruses,parasites, synthetic nano-particles that attack the body inside & out with horrible sores, growths, bugs, slime,fuzz, hair & synthetic strands, plants & feather creatures coming out thru skin, among so many other devastating manifestations?