On Wednesday night, i started feeling cold and feverish and switched off the fan. At 1:45 am, body temp was 101.5F.
Thursday morning temp was 100.5F-My doctor advised to get cbc and malarial parasite test.
cbc test showed platelet dropping, high neutro and low lympho. No parasite were found and mp test came negative. Temperature at night was 99.5F and at night i had loose motion. Doctor prescribed me to start with lumerax-80, zifi-200 and calpol-500 after food. Friday-body temperaturehad returned to normal and i had 5 loose motions. Doctor advised me to stop lumerax and zifi and start with 6 capsules courseof zenflox-oz, 2 capsules of immodium along with vizylac and rablet-20.
My dentist long time back had prescribed me zenflox before root-canal treat and i had freqeunt loose motins after taking zenflox.
Request an advise if i can take zenflox with immodium and also if lumerax and zifi can be stopped before complete course is finished. Thanks