On the lip of my vagina there is one single bump, it feels more under the skin then over it, I tried to squeeze it but only a little came out. I am freaking out that it is an STD. I also quite a while ago maybe a week and a half ago, got a single bug bite on the other side of my vagina, it still is there and still kind of itches, It looks kind of dry. I have no idea what this is, and I am terrified it is an STD. I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend who cheated on me up until yesterday, I just found out. He also had unprotected sex with the girl, so I don't know, he says he has no bumps or anything. PLEASE HELP NOWWW. Also it doesn't hurt at all. But the other side kind of itches, but i think it is just because i keep thinking about it.