One earlobe has been oozing, crusty & swollen for a couple of weeks. I have trying to treat with essential oils; then alcohol, then triple anti-biotic; an NP, who knows I prefer natural (& also uses oils, recommended a different one, but it didn't clear it up); a natural-type friend also suggested another one. Most recently, I have been using a combo. of Oregano (broad spectrum antibiotic), lavender (for the skin), Purification (a combo. including tea tree oil & others), w/some 100% therapeutic grade coconut oil (liquid). I thought it was healing, as the swelling went down & it began itching, but it appears worse again (still not hard, per NP - & I do have a script for oral antibiotics, but I REALLY don't want to use it), as I can't help but rub it! Also: oozing has increased w/the itching, but scaling has gone away. I assumed from the start that my earrng hole was infected; now I'm beginning to wonder if it's something else. All advice is GREATLY appreciated, as this has bee going on over 2 weeks! Thank you!