One week ago I cut off my inside finger tip of my LH pointy finger while cutting veggies. Probably cut close to a 1/2" diameter of tip off. Went to Urgent care clinic where they x-rayed, (no bone damage), cauterized the wound, gave me hydrocodone for 1st 48 hrs and antibio for infection insurance. Have kept it clean and dry under no stick bandages from clinic. Wound is dry and looks good as of today. Black but shiny. No ooze, puss, bad smell or red streaking or black skin sloughing. After one 1 week, I don't know what to do, however. I can find no good wound aftercare on any MD website that is specific to my type of wound. My Qs are: 1. Should the cauterized tip area be kept dry or should I now moisten with antibio ointment as it continues to heal? We read everywhere that a moist wound heals faster and with less scarring. Don't know if that applies to my wound type yet. 2. How long do I keep it bandaged at this point? 3. If moistening is allowed, for how long at this point since I'm 1 week into the healing process? Any advise is helpful. Thanks.