Only one encounter 4 months ago, Singapore CSW; No subsequent sexual encounters post this; she said she is clean and has a baby so not to worry; I am not sure whether to believe whether they go for regular medical tests
Condom protected sex, no oral, no kissing, Single shot, came inside the condom once; cleaned and that was that
Got tested for Chlamydia, Gonnorea, VDRL, HIV (PCR) - 7 days post exposure. All negative
No fever, no rash, no swollen glands till date
Got prostrate enlargement 5 weeks post exposure; no bacteria was found in semen culture or urine culture (found skin bacteria flora); took Cipro, Doxy for 1 month and it got cleared. No burning feeling while peeing etc. Doctor said it is genitally focused anxiety (gave me pills for anxiety disorder)
Now got 2 pimples on the buttock with white head, pus filled; applied ointment and it cleared in 3-4 days. Getting tingling sensation on hands and legs
1. I am going for overall testing (bloot test and Hiv). What is the risk of HIV? (I am most panicky about it)
2. Risk of Herpes? (have been not having any symptoms for 4 months except most recent pimples on buttocks and one on chest, both are gone in 3-4 days)
3. Any risk of other STD? I am 39 yr old, married. Swear wont repeat this again in my life. Please help