Our 1 year old grandson spilled a bowl of bleach (about 1/4th to 1/2 cup of concentrated bleach off the counter on his face. I was fixing to add water and clean the counter, but his little hands reached and spilled it. Of course looking up, eyes open, mouth open, nose upward, here it come! He gasped for breath, seemed like a few seconds he couldn't get his breath, then cried. I immediately splashed cold water all over his face, especially his eyes, for several minutes (I think). Then, so scared for his e gotlittle eyes (because he couldn't-wouldn't open them) I called our druggist. Then she called Poisen Control...we went to ER.they flushed his eyes for 30 minutes, did nothing for nose, throat and skin. I agree eyes most important, but seems we should see about the throat since he did swallow a mouthful. What to do now. We got back home, he slept a little, drank a little water, juice...wouldn't drink milk. Finally ate some and seems to be playing toward normal (like a little child/baby would do when the ordeal is over and back home in familiarity). But, it's 3:30-4:00 in the morning and I'm so worried about his little throat and nasal passages, and on into his little system. He has pooped and belched(both of which smelled AWFUL. The Er doc didn't help us come home with much knowledge of what to do now. The Good Lord helped us thru that worse part, now could you help us know what to do to make sure he and his little body/skin/system will be ok. Thanks