Our 13 year old shih tzu died recently and we decided to get another dog to keep our bishon poo company. We rescued a jack russell/french bulldog mix who seems very friendly. The two were getting along very well until today, at the dog park, when both became obsessed with trying to mount another male dog that was there. (both mine are un neutered, we have appointments set for two weeks to get that done) Anyway, a fight began between my two, and I broke it up and took them home. Since then, the bishon poo, seems very nervous and a even had to be coaxed to eat his dinner. The new doggie is fine. I have been reading about how I need to be the alpha, and since the bishon was here first, have tried to make his place above the new dog, but I think that may have been a mistake. The bishon is very submissive and gentle, am I causing a problem to try to make him higher in the pack than the new dog? I never had this problem with the bishon and the shih tzu, they always got along very well, but were basically raised together. Is there hope that these two will be friends again?