Postnasa drip from allergies and/or sinusitis and/or LPR:
I have nonstop all day clear postnasal drip, literally all day. Sometimes bubbly. Can't breath through nose like ever.. Lack senses of smell.. This has been for years
In past six months:
I've had an endoscopy but they said there was no LPR, although when I stop taking Omeprazole I throw up bile
I do have basically every allergy except pet dander, both indoor and outdoor
I've taken every kind of allergy medicine there is... Allegra really helped for about two days then stopped working, same with when I went on Zyrtec. It's like I've gained immunity or something.. I've done every nasal spray or steroid- dymista, Flonase, nasacort, afrin (less than two days), antihistamine nasal sprays, etc. I've done these religiously for months and it's not doing the job.
I've used sudafed Mucinex both didn't help much
Sinus rinse doesn't do anything
I take probiotics
ENT gave me singulair and it's been like three weeks. not helping I don't notice anything. ENT also put the camera up my nose. I don't have a deviated septum and he thought everything was normal with the anatomy.. He did see postnasal drip
My allergist did a CT of sinuses.. Originally they said I had a chronic infection. So they gave me levofloxacin for a week, I said it didn't work well enough but it did somewhat do something.. So they gave me 20 days of augmentin. Finally on like the 18th day I thought it was really working.. They wouldn't give me more. They said when they look at the ct scan it was a small situation that should've been resolved definitely with that amount of time on the augmentin... Right when I stopped the symptoms came back
Not sure what to do about this I have problems with it every day.. I'm just not sure exactly what is causing such a crazy amount of mucus... Can solely allergies do this?