Recent blood work indicated ammonia levels of 32 and low carnitine at 17. Vitamin D and B12 are also low (been that way) on injections and rx supplements for D. Previous scans years ago showed a liver hemangioma noting the size, etc but that was done at a hospital across the state. My current doctors know about the hemangioma as I told them but they have not requested records nor seem concerned at all. Should it be rechecked? All they are focused on is diagnosing me with any and every "stand alone" disorder. For example- this all started with a TIA in early 20s, diagnosed with POTS, now hypermobile ehlers danlos (testing for vascular), rehabbing for joints/muscles, being sent to 5 different specialists (because apparently no one person treats eds?!?), etc.....
Meanwhile I'm just over here wondering if I'm just tired and sore because I can't sleep well and my liver is jacked up, possibly this hemagomia has grown? Can't it be that simple?!? please:)