Recently had a Neurolytic Celiac Plexus Block to reduce severe left abdominal pain associated with a failed laproscopic attempt of a Cholorectomy due to adhessions. Open method was ultimately performed. Since the NPNB, I have been experiencing varying pain - PL intensity 1-9; at times it's well-defined and limited to one spot in the approx area over Celiac Plexus, while at other times it spreads outward toward the left hip and ribcage; periodically my left groin and leg ache, much like growing pains or swollen lymph nodes; and just within the past few days I've experienced very quick/sharp/intense bursts of pain over the area where you'd have ovarian pain (complete hysterectomy in 01 due to stage IV Endo, ovarian cysts, and complications that arose from an injury to the small bowel during a OP lap to have a dermoid cyst removed). Is this normal to experience as the nerve dies, or could this be an indication that the block will need to be redone? I did have excellent and immediate results from the initial trial. Thank you for your service and advice.