Since I started having periods at about 11 years old, my cycles only happened about every 6 months to a year. Now I'm 29, and my cycles have drastically changed over the last six months.
In November, I had a cycle that lasted for a solid month. After that, it cleared up for about a week, and then was back again for another two weeks. Then I kept going in a repetitive loop where I would be on my period (bleeding like I regularly would, throughout) for two weeks at a time, off for anywhere between one to two weeks, and start again for another two weeks. It's been continuing since.
Lately, however, it seems like it's been getting worse. In April, I started my period, and again, it lasted for two weeks. Then it went away for a week and came back for another two weeks. After that, it came back yet again after four days, and lasted another two weeks.
I went to see a doctor last April (the 25th, I believe) and he did a pap smear, ordered blood work to test for thyroid problems and other things, and also ordered a transvaginal ultrasound. My cycles are so out of whack that I had to reschedule the ultrasound three times before I could actually get it done.
I have been really freaking out about what's going on with my body, and today I received the results from my ultrasound but I have no idea what they mean. I can't get info over the phone and i can't get in to see my doctor for another month.
I would like to know what this means and if I should be concerned. This is what the report says about their findings:
"The uterus measures 5.9 x 3.8 x 3.4 cm. The uterus is anteverted and the endometrium measures 0.7 cm in thickness.
The right ovary measures 1.9 x 2.1 x 1.8 cm. The left ovary is not visualized on the current study. The study is limited due to patient's body habitus."