Since last night I have been having a strange heartbeat between regular heartbeats, it isn't constant, but has happened quite a few times in the last 24 hours. When this happens, for a split second my vision goes black and then I feel light headed for a few minutes after. It isn't happening going from sitting to standing, it's just random. I also get this loud swoosh in both ears at the time when everything goes black. I don't faint during these periods.
Using a home electronic blood pressure monitor, I checked my blood pressure minutes after one of these episodes today and the reading was 92/60 and pulse 98. My usual blood pressure reading is around 118/75.
Today generally I feel very tired and I have a headache ( not severe) and my heartburn seems to be more severe then usual.
I am 28 year old female. I have recently been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and have started on 25mg thyroxine ( this will be increased if needed after a blood test next week) I have been taking this medication for 28 days exactly.
I take ranitadine twice a day and this usually controls my heartburn, but today it doesn't seem to be having any effect.
I don't know my weight exactly, but I have gained a lot of weight over the last year, which the doctor has put down to the under active thyroid.
Also today, I have been feeling stomach cramps.