Sir i want a review about a biopsy report of my uncle regarding his illness, which type of cancer it is, stage, best for treatment.. The medical report is below..
The speciman is recieved in formalin cided as " Cervical lymph node ". It consist of one of larger lissue piece. The larger measuring 1.8 x 0.7 x 0.3cm. The smaller measuring 0.4 x 0.4cm. The larger tissue piece bisected and on cut surface focal areas of cheesy necrosis has been indentified. Larger tissue piece bisected, entirely submitted in cassettes 1 and 2 and smaller tissue piece bisected, entirely submitted in cassette 3 (HI)
Sections examined from the tissue coded as " Cervical lymph node" exhibit a lymph node with surrounding adipose tissue. Lymph node architecture is completely effaced by metastatic tumor which is composed of aggregates of tumor cells with glandular differentiation. Tumor is arranged in the form of nodules with central areas of extensive necrosis towards the periphery the viable tumor cells show moderate clear to eosinophillic cytoplasm with distinct cell boundaries. Nuclei are moderate to markedly pleomorphic vesicular with occasional nucleoli. Glandular differentiation is seen in the viable tumor. A panel of immunohistochemical stains were performed and the tumor cells show following immunoreactivity pattern:
Cytokeratin AE1/AE3 Positive.
Cytokeratin 7 Negative.
Cytokeratin 20 Patchy positive.
TTF-1 Negative.
CDX2 Nuclear positive
DIAGNOSIS: Cervical lymph node: Metastatic Adenocarcinoma. Based on above imunohistichemical profile upper gastrointestinal tract and pancreaticobiliary tract is suggested of possible primary site. Clinical and radiological correlation is recommended.