So I've lost about 50 lbs. over the course of approximately 2 years w/o any change in diet or routine. I'm so exhausted all the time. I wake up tired, and by the end of the day, can barely function. Have experienced episodes (6 in the last two years) in which I become faint, pale, shaking, weak, sick to my stomach, and feel as though I may pass out. Every time this has happened it's while I'm working hard, on my feet for a long time. Don't have insurance, so have waited to see a DR. until recently. Irregular hear beat. Blood tests ordered. Thyroid, Lipids, Cholesterol, Kidney functions, Liver, etc, etc, etc. All came back good. Waiting on confirmation of an appointment w/ a Cardiologist, because of the "irregular" heart beat. But, I have also, over the course of the past year or so experience (and am still experiencing) inexplicable rashes or itchy bunches of sores, mostly on my scalp (the back) and neckline, but also in the very inside of my ear, inside one side of my nose, and my elbow. It will start out like a bug bite or pimple, but itch terribly, and then just spread. Also, small wounds such as paper cuts or bug bites turn into these itchy wounds. Plus, I have bug or tick bites that will take at least 1-2 years to heal. I am a 53 year old woman who has been generally healthy all my life.