So basically... I am in an incredibly lovely relationship and have been for 6 months now. We are sexually active, and I am on the pill to stop little spermies! We don't use condoms... Anyway... I forgot to take a pill and then had lovely unprotected sex that night then realised the next morning I had forgotten. So I had my pill at the usual time of 7am on Friday. Then Saturday I was having a stressful morning and forgot to take it. Early Sunday morning, as in 1am early the big show happened... Then when my pill alarm went off at 7am that Sunday and I realised I had forgot Saturdays.
I went to the Doctors today and they said that there is no way to tell yet, we've gotta take a test in another 2 weeks whether or not the period comes. She said the tiredness and everything that I have been having could be related but there is no possible way that she can determine if it is or not. She worked out when I was ovulating which was of course that weekend, so there is the highest chance possible chance of it to happen then, rather than anywhere else. So it is 5 days after and I keep getting headaches, am struggling to stay awake in class, am having cramps and my boobs look incredibly veiny and are sore. Can these things happen this early?!