Some history first. My son, who was at the time about a week and a half old was spitting up constantly, throwing up, extremely fussy almost to the point of being colicy all while on emfamil gentle ease. This went on up till mid week 2, when the doc changed his formula to alimentum. While on alimentum he was having all of the same issues only with a little improvement. We kept him on the alimentum for about a month, while going to many doctors appointments and trying lot's of meds like ranitidine, and prilosec, even tried rice ceral in the formula. We switched hI'm to soy after nothing else seemed to help, he has now been on soy for about 3 weeks and the acid reflux he was diagnosed with, dissappea red and he became a little easier to manage. Now though, is constipated EVERY DAY. We give him pedialyte (2 Oz per day) and in desperate times (about every other day) we give a tbsp of apple juice in 2oz of water. Most days even Karo syup will not soften his stool or affect him in any way. He is always extremely gassy, grunts and squirms while eating, rubs his face a lot while eating, and I don't know if it's related but his skin feels kind of scaly all over. I put baby lotion on him every day so I'm not sure what it is for sure cause it isn't going away. Now to why I am posting this today, of all days. He pooped a very hard stool this morning. It was brown in color, had some mucusy stringy looking stuff on it, and had medium sized black splotches mixed in it. I called the on call doctor and he said it's nothing to worry about, that if stool stays too long in the body it can become black. I don't think that is what it is. It had only been about 24 hours since he had pooped before, and he has gone much longer without pooping and I've never seen his stool like this. Also, it is pretty hard to get food down him. Like I have to stand and jump up and down to get him comfortable enough to eat. He's havin all of these sympoms on the soy today and his mood is still fussy,no the pedialyte is not colored, it is clear. He is 2 1/2 mo now. TIA