Starting at approximately 6am this morning I started getting pretty bad stomach pain (about 3 inches below my sternum) by 9am it was severe and I was buckled over, I can't stand straight up because it hurts to bad. At 1030am I started vomiting violently. The was a vary dark brown and there was a lot, as if my stomach had not passed any liquids I've drank. Around 12pm (noon) I got a cold sweat, and sweat so much it was dripping off my chin, I vomited again but this time it was green and finished in a light yellow. I also developed bad back pain on the left and right side. It's now 315. I'm still buckled over, keep having severe cold sweats on and off. During the cold sweats I get light headed. I cannot poop at all. I am burping more than usual. I have a funny taste in my mouth as well. Have I gotten some nasty stomach flu? Or do I need to go to the Hospital. The nearest hospital is one hour away