I am 48 (man), I have a vertebrae that has put pressure on my nerve that affects the right side top of tight and groin area and goes down to the sole of the right foot. The pain comes in pulsating flashes very precisely at the mid distance from groin to right side of belt. I have seen a Doctor at the Hospital and I was explained many things. I had a CT scan done, and I saw that two vertebrae lower region of spine had very little space between them, disks had been flattened. After 23 years of high impact sports such as rugby and even American football. I am 6.4 ft (1.94) and I am quite overweight at 300lbs. I have not followed an exercise program for 1,5 years and this has resulted in a weight gain of 40lbs and a muscle loss of 22 lbs. I am on Paracetamol 1000mg 3-4 x a day, I have a stomach pill to protect from ulcers etc and I take an anti inflammatory pill which is a slow releasing type 2 x a day noting and night. I still feel 40/50% of the pain . The flash pulsating attacks occur about 5 to 15 x a day and last 3/5 seconds and they are scary in pain level...without these pills i would be freaking out! What can I expect? And will a healthy lifestyle bring me freedom again? Thanks